- Are they the same breed? 他们是一样的品种吗?
- Are they the same birds that we saw just now with binoculars? 你好!这些鸟儿就是我们刚才用望远镜看的那些吗?嘉宾
- Are they the same underground kinds like those in Beijing? 和北京一样都是地下行驶吗?
- I wanted to look at the pages. Were they the same that I had read? 我想看一下她读的是否真的和我过去看的一样?
- Your dog is the same breed as mine. 你的狗跟我的是同一个品种。
- The voices of the animated characters sound very much like the actors who portrayed them in the movies. Are they the same? 动画角色的声音听起来非常想电影里扮演他们的演员的声音。是同样的演员配音吗?
- I have a question, the terms "bindstone" and "graveyard" seem to be thrown about interchangeably in this thread. Are they the same thing? 我有个问题,这样说起来缚灵石和墓地似乎是可以互换的。它们是一样的吗?
- It is similar as the dressing Jian uased for China Anti-war country army corps and airman,are they the same series?Or imitates foreign country,please every master teach me. 类似于中国抗战国军空军的配剑,是不是一系列的,还是国军仿国外的,请高人指教。
- Are they the new New Kids on the Block, same as the old New Kids on the Block? 他们莫非是新版“新街区男孩”乐队,就像先前的“新街区男孩”乐队一样?
- Quarreling boys, Root? Are they the best you can offer? 争吵的孩子们,鲁特?他们就是你所能提供中最好的?
- Are they the frozen remains of long-vanished oceans? 它们是消失已久的海洋冻结的残余吗?
- You use the words 'aware' and 'conscious'. Are they not the same? 你用觉知和意识两个字。他们可不一样?
- Go and start? But are they the good Russians or the bad Russians? 行动?但是我们怎么区分它们是好俄国人还是坏俄国人呢?
- Are they the cinnabar gold and wood carvings you mentioned? 这就是你之前提过的朱金漆木雕?
- Are they bound to the island with the same unknown force as I? 他们是否是一定的到海岛用未知的力量和I一样?
- All magnets behave the same, be they large or small. 所有磁体,无论大小,其性质都一样。
- Are they the booties when Qing government set anabasis on Thailand?? 是不是清代远征泰国时他们的战利品??
- They are rivals for the same office. 他们是争夺同一个职位的敌手。
- It must be difficult to play various personae in the same movie. 在同一个电影中扮演不同的角色肯定不容易。
- What in the world are they hoping for? 他们到底想要什么?